Google sued for secretly amassing vast trove of user data
Google surreptitiously amasses billions of bits of information — every day — about internet users even if they opt out of sharing their information, three consumers alleged in a proposed class action lawsuit.
Who Should be Responsible for Accuracy on Social Media?
U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz’s (R-Houston) call for a criminal investigation of Twitter and the social media platform’s recent tangles with President Donald Trump have launched a discussion about censorship and accountability from our elected officials.
Google says Iranian, Chinese hackers targeted Trump, Biden campaigns
Google security researchers say they’ve identified efforts by at least two nation state-backed hackers against the Trump and Biden presidential campaigns.
Apple is tracking iPhones stolen from its stores during protests
Apple is sending a clear message to people who’ve stolen iPhones from its stores: You’re “being tracked.”
The company is actively disabling the iPhones that are stolen from the displays of its retail stores, leaving them inoperable.