Owen Sagness, VP at MSN Canada presented at the CMA’s National Convention & Trade Show on reaching online objectives – with a case study on the Microsoft Sympatico portal.
Owen presented some interesting statistics during his presentation, like the following:
- Advertisements with audio and video have a 10% higher click-through than ads without.
- The three top search categories are: Travel, Research, and Finance.
- Canadians are the highest to adopt new technology.
- Nearly 50% of complex queries go unanswered.
Click the video for a quick tutorial on Microsoft’s AdCenter.
“Advertisements with audio and video have a 10% higher click-through than ads without”
-I wonder if this is due to users trying to turn them off.
With the 3 most searched terms indicating that people are task/goal focused, trying to turn off an annoying ad to concentrate wouldn’t be a far fetched idea.
Interesting note about video and audio elements increasing conversion. A recent program I ran for a consumer health care brand did show that embedded video helped initiate the consumer’s interaction with the ad, however the ultimate results were still in line with other programs that did not have video and audio elements. In my opinion, the value to the consumer is going to be the ultimate predictor of conversion rate.