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"Uncle" Marcus Evans On CRM Initiatives

Marcus Evans, president at Proximity Canada, presented a cheeky but informative presentation on Customer Relationship Management (CRM) initiatives at the Canadian Marketing Association’s Direct Marketing Conference.
Throughout his presentation he emphasized the long-term nature of CRM’s, and how their initial financial loss is offset by long-term customer appreciation and loyalty.

Marcus’ presentation, laden with practical real-world CRM examples, is a presentation all audience members could learn something from.  What should have been taken from the presentation is that a CRM relationship has to be a strong bond between brand and consumer. Marcus likened a CRM to the relationship a woman has with her hairdresser – an extremely personal one.  In order for a CRM to be a success, companies need to think as if their “CRM is a whole new way of doing business.”

In his presentation Marcus outlined 6 elements that can torpedo CRM initiatives:

  1. Not starting with a clear destination in mind
  2. Straying from the path
  3. Short-termism
  4. Not embracing the paradigm
  5. Tactical rational vs. strategic emotional
  6. Getting cheap

These 6 pet peeves were elaborated on, with examples of brands with excellent CRM models – oddly enough, Air Canada was one of them. In this 3:33 video clip Marcus shares with One Degree a successful story of how offline relationships were merged with online branding experiences to yield positive results. (Please excuse the video’s darkness)