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Category: Bill Sweetman

Invasion of the Fake Blogs

Last fall I became a fan of the ABC TV series “Invasion” and not just because one of the main characters is a blogger, although in a typically dumbed-down TV sort of way.
Recently, I was wondering when the series would start up again, so I went to the ABC Website in the hopes of finding out some more information. Instead of a traditional show page or mini Website about the series, the ABC Website links to a fake blog titled “Dave’s Diatribe” located (rather cleverly) at:

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Could This Be Google's Next Killer App?

This past weekend I went on one of my rare, real world shopping expeditions. (As you may recall, I hate shopping.) I found myself standing in the housewares department of my local large department store. And I was annoyed.
I’d gone there in search of a new humidifier and for the life of me I couldn’t figure out where the store kept them. Of course no staff were anywhere to be found, and there was no store directory or useful signage in view.
I was about to lose it, and then I got one of my crazy ideas.

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