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Category: Bill Sweetman

Observed: No Wonder Our Parents Are Confused

One thing I’m willing to bet every Internet marketer reading this has in common is that your parents still probably don’t fully understand what you do for a living.
I can’t tell you how many times my parents (both of whom are highly educated professionals) will inform me that they ran into someone at a party that was “in the same line of work as you are, dear.” When I do a bit of digging, nine times out of ten it turns out that the supposed ‘industry colleague’ they’ve met is actually a Web designer or IT support person.

“For the last time, mom and dad, I don’t build Web sites and I don’t fix computers! My clients already have Websites and IT people. What they don’t have is enough sales or a reliable way to accomplish that.”

At least that’s what I imagine myself saying to my parents, but usually I just thank them for the information and politely change the topic.
I can hardly blame my parents, or anyone else I meet who is confused about what Internet marketing is, when I see how some of us describe what we do. For instance, check out what one agency that I have been told does Internet marketing uses on the “Services” page of their corporate Website:

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Observed: My 'Science Lab' Turns Ten

The year was 1995.
A cease-fire was announced in Bosnia and Croatia. O.J. Simpson was found not guilty. And Forrest Gump won the Best Picture Oscar.
1995 was also the year I launched my very first Website. In fact, it was exactly ten years ago this month.
A decade later, my little ‘pet project’ is still around, more popular than ever, and is now (gasp) generating revenue, despite the fact it’s been badly neglected by yours truly for the last few years.
Truth be told, I came close to shutting down the Website several years ago because I didn’t have enough time to devote to it. (I still don’t!) Not long after that, an organization offered to buy the Website from me. I agonized over their offer but finally decided to turn them down. I sensed that the industry was turning around (I was right) and figured I’d stick it out and see what would happen. I’m glad I did.

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