I’m a big fan of the Application Service Provider (ASP) model for obtaining access to powerful software for use in businesses large and small. In case you’re not familiar with the term, Application Service Providers are third-party organizations that ‘rent’ online access to software to clients that they manage and host on their behalf.
Examples of solutions relevant to Internet marketers that I’ve used (among others) include www.campaigner.com (for email marketing), www.salesforce.com (for CRM), and www.parachat.com (for chat).
There’s a ‘hosted software’ solution for just about anything you might want to do these days. But how do you ensure you are choosing the right one?
Category: Bill Sweetman
It was an innocent enough question, and I really should have seen it coming, but it still had me scrambling for an answer since I’ve never been asked it before.
There I was, meeting my client’s boss for the very first time, when out comes, “Don’t take this the wrong way, but where did you learn to do what you do?”
I’ll be the first to admit I suffer from I.N. every now and then, and so do a number of my e-marketing colleagues. “I.N.” stands for “I-Neveritis” and the first step towards recovery is, of course, admitting you have a problem in the first place.
There, I feel better already.
What is “I-Neveritis,” you ask?