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Category: CT Moore

Blended Search & Reputation Management

You might have noticed that search results have evolved. Between Google (and Bing and the other guys) now feature a variety of results, such as news, tweets, images, and video all in the same results. These are known “blended” or “universal” search results. But did you know that you can leverage these search results to help manage your online reputation? Just think about it:

  • more than 60% of users click within the first page of search results
  • and about 70% of those don't got past the first 5 search results

So by optimizing your brand for all these different kinds of media, you can (1) capture more real-estate on the first page of search results, and (2) make your own results more appealing than those of your competitors.


Adwords Costs and Quality Score

Dogwalker ad Since Google has built a reputation as the premier search engine based on its ability to display the most relevant search results (on both organic and paid/PPC listing), it rewards advertisers whose ads are most relevant to the keywords they are targeted at. So Google gives every Adwords ad a Quality Score, and the higher your score, the less you have to pay to rank well.

There are three major factors that impact your Quality Score: (1) relevance of the ad content to the keyword you bid on, (2) relevance of the landing page to your ad, and (3) the click-through-rate (CTR) that your ads receive.

Keyword Relevance
When you place an ad through Adwords, it contains several elements that affect relevancy: title, text, and display URL. The more relevant the title, text, and display URL are to the search query, the better Quality Score your ad will receive.

For instance, let’s say you bid on the keyword “dog walkers,” and the title of your ad is “Dog Walkers,” your ad text is “Find dog walkers in your area,” and the URL is “” You will receive a higher quality score because all elements (title, text, and URL) of your PPC ad feature the keywords that you bid on.

Landing Page
Since Google wants its users to find the most relevant pages, even if you are paying to have those users come visit your site, it will also gauge the relevancy of your ad’s landing page. Be sure to develop landing pages that are targeted for each of your ad campaigns – i.e. relevant to the keywords you bid on – instead of linking the ads to your home page, which may be
too general for the specific advertised products or services you’re

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