_This is part of our new “Interesting”:http://www.onedegree.ca/category/interesting feature “we announced in April”:http://www.onedegree.ca/2006/04/25/whats-interesting-in-canada but then lost track of. If you have an “interesting” site you think we should feature let us know._
I asked Al Sajoo, Vice President & CTO of “MVive Media Group”:http://www.mvive.com why MVive was interesting:
*One Degree: Who needs you?*
Everyone needs MVive – businesses who want to build relationships with their loyal customers while also gaining new customers; and consumers looking for exclusive deals and timely, meaningful communications with their favourite brands.
*One Degree: Why do they need you?*
Both businesses and consumers need us because we empower the consumer to control what is marketed to their mobile device while at the same time allowing businesses to go where traditional marketing does not. The power of the mobile phone lies in the need it has created to keep people constantly in touch with their world. This need is now driving the next marketing revolution as consumers and businesses also look to constantly stay in touch.
Category: Interesting
_This is part of our new “Interesting”:http://www.onedegree.ca/category/interesting feature “we announced in April”:http://www.onedegree.ca/2006/04/25/whats-interesting-in-canada but then lost track of. If you have an “interesting” site you think we should feature let us know._
Recently I asked Shawn DeSouza at “Eloqua”:http://www.eloqua.com/ to explain what makes his company interesting.
*One Degree: Who needs you?*
Marketers at B2B organizations tasked with providing a continuous stream of high-quality leads to their sales force.
*One Degree: Why do they need you?*
In today’s competitive marketplace, marketers are under increased pressure to design and execute more effective marketing campaigns that generate revenue. Salespeople require a continuous flow of quality leads, and executives demand accountability in revenue terms. Marketers struggling to reach decision makers are shifting dollars from advertising to more direct and interactive tactics, using technology to improve results and accountability. They seek best practices in lead generation, development, qualification and distribution and tools that can transform isolated, random acts of marketing into coordinated, automated and measurable processes.
_This is part of our new “Interesting”:http://www.onedegree.ca/category/interesting feature “we announced in April”:http://www.onedegree.ca/2006/04/25/whats-interesting-in-canada but then lost track of. If you have an “interesting” site you think we should feature let us know._
Recently I asked Floyd Marinescu, CEO & Co-founder of C4media and founder of “InfoQ”:http://www.infoq.com/ to explain what makes his site interesting.
*One Degree: Who needs InfoQ?*
Professionals in the Enterprise Software Development community, including developers, architects, project managers, consultants, coaches, etc.
*One Degree: Why do they need you?*
InfoQ provides daily news and technical content for the Java, .NET, Ruby, SOA, and Agile communities written by domain experts (instead of non-technical journalists). InfoQ also connects the audience to each other via lively discussions associated with current news and content. For professionals in this space, InfoQ is the only resource available that allows them to track what’s going on across these communities in one place.