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Category: Ken Schafer

AIMS GM Kathryn Lagden Steps Down

Sad news today from AIMS(Association of Internet Marketing & Sales) President Bruce Powell, AIMS General Manager Kathryn Lagden is leaving the association – Canada’s largest organization for Internet marketers.
Here’s the announcement he just sent to AIMS members:

On behalf of the board of directors, I’m writing to share the news that Kathryn Lagden, General Manager of AIMS, is leaving the association and moving on to a new opportunity.
This was a tough decision for Kathryn. As many of you know she is passionate about AIMS and the role it plays in bringing together the internet marketing community. She has been offered an exciting opportunity and has made the difficult choice to leave AIMS.

Thanks to an active community of members, volunteers, and sponsors we’ve implemented a number of initiatives at AIMS over the last year and we’re well poised for continued growth and expansion as we hire new leadership to manage the day-to-day operations.
Over the next month, Kathryn will be putting the pieces in place for a successful transition. She will remain the main point of contact for the next few weeks and will provide updates as we transition her responsibilities.

The last few years have been an exciting time of renewed activity in the internet sector. AIMS has experienced a similar renewal and will continue building on this resurgence. We’re committed to implementing new initiatives to help members connect, discuss, learn and network at our monthly events and online.
Kathryn has made an enormous contribution to AIMS in the past year and we are grateful for her hard work, resourcefulness and dedication. While we are sorry to see her leave, we are at the same time pleased for her as she heads off to her new role. I hope you’ll join me in thanking Kathryn and wish her all the best in her future endeavours.
Bruce Powell
President, AIMS


Five Questions for Geoff Whitlock – Lifecapture Interactive

Geoff_whitlock_portrait Lifecapture Interactive is a digital marketing firm that specializes in developing engaging internet properties and digital marketing solutions that help medium and large companies increase brand awareness, drive revenues, reduce costs and intensify customer relationships.  LCI takes pride in providing traceable ROI on all of our online campaigns.

Geoff Whitlock has led Lifecapture since its inception, building a skilled team that has rapidly gained a reputation for its innovative new media projects.
Under his guidance, LCI serves a diverse range of national client accounts in multiple industry sectors. Geoff has overseen many of LCI’s most successful new media projects from the strategic planning phase through to delivery execution and maintenance; including, strategic and tactical Internet market planning, commercial/industrial video and film production, interactive/intuitive web property and sales-focused Internet applications.
Through a diligent and tireless team effort, Geoff has led LCI to become one of Canada’s top 50 fastest growing companies. Having developed a unique business model and multi-level approach to absolute success on the internet, Geoff has enabled LCI to become a player in the international interactive industry.

One Degree: At the bottom of your web site it says "The Internet is more than a web site".  What does that mean?

The internet has evolved far beyond most expectations in a very short period of time.  It is responsible for driving communication, entertainment, information and education to new heights ongoing as content is delivered in all forms from anywhere to everywhere, instantly.  The nature of the medium as it has evolved brings so much more than conventional web sites, it brings individual experiences on mass scales, and with all that is known, we are really just beginning to tap into its ability.

One Degree: It’s getting harder to find good staff as demand for experienced Internet people increases.  How do you find and keep your team?

As of late we have experienced some turnover, as is natural in our industry, but through that experience many things have been brought to light on how to attract and retain good people.  The people on the team are the life blood of a company that does what we do, we learned that they need to know that, and better yet, feel that in what they do every day.  The experience of working should be worth the third of your life that you dedicate to it.

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