Traditionally many CMA(Canadian Marketing Association) members have included the “CMA”: logo on their direct marketing materials. But companies have been slower to adopt the logo on their websites.
The association recently sent a _Member Briefing_ explaining the “Look for the Logo” program and pointing members to the new logos.
bq. CMA Members are encouraged to display the member logo on all their marketing communications, including their website, envelopes, flyers, inserts and in print and online advertisements. Program guidelines and materials, including a new interactive banner and button for member websites and e-marketing campaigns, can be “downloaded from the CMA website.”:
Category: Ken Schafer
This is very cool. Toronto web design shop “Radiant Core”: just “announced that it will be creating the skin for the next major version of Firefox.”:
bq. At any rate, it is with the greatest of pride that we hereby announce and proclaim that Radiant Core has been retained by Mozilla to design and implement the official theme for the Firefox 2 release! We’ve actually been hard at work on it for a few weeks, polishing pixels and zooming through XUL, but very much in stealth mode.