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Category: Search Marketing

Take Profectio's Search Engine Marketing Survey!

As we all know, Search Engine Marketing has become a powerful part of the overall advertising and marketing mix, but, to date, there really hasn’t been any solid Canadian data.

Dave Forde over at Profectio is trying to change that! has recently launched their “Secrets to Effective Canadian Search Engine Marketing (SEM) Survey” and is looking for our input. Once the survey results has been compiled, Dave ensures me that they’ll be shared. So make sure your input is received!

And just in case you needed another incentive for helping out a fellow Canadian marketer), Profectio is also giving away a couple of cool prizes. So, go, take the survey. Now!

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Five Questions for SEMPO Canada


Search Marketing is HOT and should be a key piece in online marketing campaigns as well as a complement to online communications strategies. But not every marketing department, corporate communications team, PR firm or ad agency knows how to do search really well. Fortunately, SEMPO Canada is here to help. SEMPO is a recently launched Canadian offshoot of the American Search Engine Marketing Professional¹s
Organization. One Degree sat down with co-founders Ken Jurina of and Alexandre Brabant from to discuss SEMPO Canada and the state of search marketing here in the great white north.

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