We asked Alex Pejcic, President and Co-Founder of Sonic Boom, an interactive agency in Toronto, Canada: “Has the business changed since you started Sonic Boom 10 years ago and if so, how?”. Here is his reply in the form of a top ten list…
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This past weekend I went on one of my rare, real world shopping expeditions. (As you may recall, I hate shopping.) I found myself standing in the housewares department of my local large department store. And I was annoyed.
I’d gone there in search of a new humidifier and for the life of me I couldn’t figure out where the store kept them. Of course no staff were anywhere to be found, and there was no store directory or useful signage in view.
I was about to lose it, and then I got one of my crazy ideas.
_This article is by Guest Contributor Marc Poirer._
It’s that time of the year. Again. Time for new year resolutions. If you didn’t already come up with your own, here’s mine: go fishing much more often.
I think everyone in the interactive industry knows that 2005 was a great year for search, arguably the greatest yet. By the looks of things, 2006 will be an even better year with more marketers getting serious about paid search and SEO. Rather than simply try to come up with enough material to write “my own” look back at search in 2005 and predictions for 2006, I decided to bring you a great little list of what has been said on the topic. Then I’ll make some predictions anyway, just for the hell of it.