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Category: SEO

Personalization and Universal Search Engine Optimization (Part 1 of 4)

New contributor Nima Asrar Haghighi says “It has been argued that search personalization spells the death of search engine optimization. In my opinion, personalization does not hurt SEO, but it does make a comprehensive and aggressive SEO strategy a necessity.”
Click through to read Part 1 of Nima’s four part series on optimizing your site for personalized and universal search.

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Search Engine Strategies Toronto 2007 – Day 2 Highlights

The Search Engine Strategies Toronto conference was held in Toronto, Canada on June 12-13, 2007 at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre. As always, it was a tightly-run event that was jam-packed with valuable information.

Here are some of the highlights from sessions I attended on Day 2:

Session: Seth Godin Keynote Presentation

  • "Search didn’t become a business until the yellow pages." – Seth Godin
  • In the battle between SEO tricksters and search engines, "the search engines are really winning" because they are becoming much better at determining relevance.
  • "Search engine advertising is a classic example of permission marketing."
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