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Category: Social Media

Founders of PodCamp See a Bright Future

I don’t think when Chris Brogan and Christopher S. Penn  started PodCamp Boston in September 2006 that they knew they were starting a movement. But a mere two years later, PodCamp is a worldwide phenomenon for creators of new media and an inspiration to participants.

Last February, at PodCamp Toronto, approximately 60% of those in Chris Brogan’s opening session, Social Media & Networking Starter Guide, were attending their first PodCamp. “It’s really heartening to see the interest in podcasting and new media growing, to me that’s a big success story in itself,” said Jay Moonah, one of the PodCamp Toronto organizers.

With the first PodCamp Montreal kicking off this weekend, it’s a perfect time to talk to Chris and Chris about the growth of the event, and where they see it going.

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