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Category: Social Media

SocialAds: The worst kept secret in marketing

Forget the Microsoft deal. The real sign of Facebook’s maturity? Its new PR tactics, now featuring announcements of important upcoming announcements and information strategically leaked to highly trafficked blogs.

Such it is that our 23-year-old social overlord’s secret advertising announcement, scheduled for tomorrow in New York, has received more thorough analysis than the federal government’s budget, despite no official confirmation in Zuckerberg’s status.

If even half the speculation proves true, that status might tomorrow read: “Mark is becoming the richest twentysomething in history by helping advertisers know you better than your mom.”


Social Networking for Boomers – “Meh?” Well, Maybe “Yeh!”

I have many friends in the Baby Boomer category. Those whose businesses aren’t technology-related seem to be fairly uninterested in social networks. Granted sites like MySpace (with its crazed graphics overload) and Facebook (with its university inception) haven’t made Boomers feel quite at home in the social networking world.
But things they are a’ changin’. Click through for more about some new social networks that are geared towards the Boomer set.


Don't Monetize Your Friends

Isn’t it time for your friends to start earning their keep? Yuwie might be the answer. Started in May 2007, Yuwie is similar to MySpace and Facebook, with one big difference: it pays users for generated activity—views of their profile and photos, for example—and that of people they refer. Sort of like a pyramid scheme. And it threatens the foundation of social networking: the whole “social” part.