Have you heard of “Spore”:http://www.spore.com – the new game from Will Wright, creator of SimCity and the Sims? The PC game won’t be released for at least another 1 1/2 years but right now I’m pretty sure it is the best video game ever made.
How can I say this? Well, I’ve seen Will Wright walk-through and talk-through what Spore is in both a “one hour presentation”:http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-262774490184348066 from the 2005 Games Developer Conference and an edited 35 minute version.
Here, watch it:
I’m still getting my head around “micro-chunking”:http://avc.blogs.com/a_vc/2005/11/the_future_of_m.html as a marketing strategy but I think there is something _really_ big here. 1 Comment