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Month: January 2006

Election 2006 and Social Media – The Green Party

Be sure to check out all five articles in this series:

If the NDP is the "little guy" on the national political stage, then the Green Party is still waiting to be given a ticket to the show.  Fortunately, the Green Party can stake a claim in cyberspace that’s just as big, bold and interactive as any of the mainstream parties.  OK, enough terrible mixed metaphors.  Let’s see if the Greens do take advantage of social media to rally their candidates and their constituents in an effort to change the political landscape.

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Adtech Impact Coming To Toronto

Adtech Impact Logo
I’m not sure how I missed this, but popular online marketing event “ad:tech”: is bringing their killer one-day “ad:tech Impact”: event to Toronto on March 23rd.
The speaker roster is pretty much entirely US imports (other than Jerry Tarasofsky, Howard Firestone and Daniel Taras of “iPerception”:, but that is also an advantage as we’ll get to hear some speakers that don’t normally venture this far north.
Those scheduled (assuming they’re not planning a “made in Canada” agenda for T.O.) include (hold your breath the list is LONG):

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Should Video Play a Role in Your 2006 Plans?

If a picture is worth a thousand words, what is a video clip worth?
This past weekend I purchased my third Webcam – a gift for a friend – and it really got me thinking about the power of video on the Internet, both as a communication and a marketing tool.
Regardless of whether or not the video is live or pre-recorded, downloaded, streamed, or podcast, it’s impossible to deny the power and impact of full-motion moving images served up online.
There’s an inherent immediacy to video that static images and words usually can’t capture, and I’m of the belief that video can, and usually does, engage people on a more emotional (even primal) level.

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