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Month: June 2007

Can Canadian e-Commerce Be As Successful As the US and UK?

A few months ago e-Marketer published a report about the state of e-Commerce in Canada. Being the biggest fan and best customer of Canadian e-commerce, I can’t tell you how thrilled I am that it’s is finally starting to take off. But kids, we still have a ways to go before we can truly call ourselves a “leading” e-commerce nation.

Our Dependence on American-based e-tailers

Our love of everything American creates a demand to shop on American-owned-and-managed sites. But many American-based e-tailers simply refuse to accommodate Canadian customers because they don’t wanting to deal with duty, shipping and other nasty fulfillment issues. The result is unfortunate: Canadians are being put off of e-commerce because of negative reinforcement and limitations by U.S. sites.

Case in Point: and sites simply refuse to ship to Canada. A friend of mine who works at the Canadian Gap office told me that Gap Canada’s management has been trying to get their California-based Head Office to consider a “dot ca” or just let Canadians buy off the main site. After much deliberation, the U.S. management decided against selling to Canadians over the internet, because we are not a lucrative e-commerce market. They’re kind of right – but their attitude is also leading to a vicious circle. You can’t create a lucrative e-commerce market by consistently pissing off Canadian e-consumers.

I encountered a similar situation when I tried to buy a special “toddler floaty” swimsuit for my son off the Speedo website. I landed on the Speedo splash page (pardon the pun) and chose Canada. I was impressed to see a fully functional shopping cart in the Canadian site. But, on checkout, the Speedo site refused to take my order and I was left feeling like a second-class citizen (and I was choked I could not get this specialty-suit for my kid). Speedo faked me out and I am now checking out other brands – I even (gasp) had to go to the mall!


All of Canada showcased at 2007 CNMA awards

I’m going to admit, on behalf of all Torontonians, that we’re a little self-involved.  When you’re in Toronto, you tend to have blinders on about anything that might be happening outside our centre of the universe.  Being in Vancouver for a short 9 months has taught me that.  So, I was thrilled, at the Canadian New Media Awards, to see an entire country’s worth of talent showcased.  While you can check out the full list of finalists and winners (Toronto included!) over at the 2007 Canadian New Media Awards site, I did want to call your attention to the finalists and winners who are NOT from Hog Town.  They are:

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