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Television is dying.

In a world where anyone can get any entertainment that they want with the click of a button, many media companies are discovering that what their customers really want is a choice. They want something real, something visceral, and they want to be the ones who decide what they watch and when they watch it.

Enter social video.

Thanks to websites such as Youtube and Vimeo, people can find what they want all in one convenient location. What’s more? They have the control. So how do you reach an audience in a landscape of democratized entertainment? By embracing this new media format and giving your customers what they want.

Traditional marketing and advertising techniques don’t work well on the web, but that doesn’t mean you can’t take advantage of this gigantic medium. Several media gurus have popped up on social video services and made a name for themselves overnight, delivering the kind of entertainment that most major businesses in the industry never would have thought to be desirable.

Using this handy infographic, provided by, you will learn which social video sites are the most popular and what each of their strengths are. Whether your goal is simply to reach the largest audience or to present your business in the highest quality possible, you will find that the opportunities are limitless in this new age of media and entertainment.

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