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In the news … Friday December 7, 2018

How to Collaborate with People You Don’t Like

A few months ago, a former client — let’s call her Kacie— called me to check in. I had supported her through her transition when she had joined a prestigious global financial services firm several months prior. Given how deliberately and thoughtfully she’d gone through the process, I expected that our conversation would be about her early wins.

Google is shutting down Allo

Google has officially announced that it’s shutting down Allo, ending the run of yet another failed Google chat app experiment. The news isn’t entirely unsurprising, given that Google had already paused investment in Allo back in April. Back then, the head of the communications group at Google, Anil Sabharwal, noted that “[Allo] as a whole has not achieved the level of traction we’d hoped for.”

It’s high time Canada recognized journalism as a public good

Much ink has been spilled over the Canadian government’s announcement of support for Canada’s struggling news media, valued at $600 million over five years.
There are valid concerns about the eligibility criteria, which will be crafted by a yet-to-be-determined committee. There are also concerns about the funds being wasted on propping up old business models and stifling innovation in the process.

Think Tank: ‘Cool Factor’ No Longer the Measure of an Influencer

It’s hard to imagine our online lives without the strangers that regularly pop into our feeds, instantly promoting products that may or may not have any meaning to us. Social networks have shifted from forbidding sponsored content to actively encouraging influential users to bring on their sponsors and monetize their content. As these relationships become a staple of every marketing program, the expectations from them grow.


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