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One Degree Tuesday October 6 2020

How to Use TikTok for Business

Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the past several months, you’ve likely heard of TikTok. It’s not all just empty buzz either. This social media or video-sharing social network app currently has more than 800 million monthly active users. And it has been downloaded more than 1.5 billion times.


Six building blocks for revitalized B2B marketing and sales

If you’re a B2B company leader, you know how important face time is. Sales visits, trade shows, and demonstrations present opportunities to engage with customers and highlight your knowledge, experience, and ability to solve problems at scale — key differentiating factors that can make or break your growth curve. But COVID-19 has brought these sorts of interactions to a screeching halt. To respond effectively, you’ll need to accelerate your digital investments in always-on, virtual models for engaging customers and evolve your operating model to realize the full potential of those investments.


Disruptive innovation prepares Wi-Fi for massive IoT and 5G applications

After a long, post-COVID-19, day in the office, you return home. Your front door unlocks, and lights turn on as you approach. A blast of cool air is triggered by the high-efficient HVAC system controlled by an array of sensors. A day’s worth of vitals and telemetry data downloads and is sent to your family doctor. And as you reach into your connected fridge taking your last favourite nutritious beverage, it automatically orders more.


Social media abuse drives girls off Facebook, Instagram, Twitter: poll

Online abuse is driving girls to quit social media platforms including Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, with nearly 60% experiencing harassment, a global study showed on Sunday.


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