We’re thrilled to announce a new contributor and a new type of content. Rob Cottingham is bringing something we’re not had before here on One Degree … cartoons! Click through to check it out and to read Rob’s response to our 1.5 Questions!
2 CommentsCategory: 1.5 Questions
Sebastien Chorney is head of operations at Podzapper, a producer of branded digital media for the online and mobile space. Sebastien has a long background in audio and music production, and is a consummate storyteller.
One Degree: Sebastien, my guess is that humans can only absorb so many podcasts into their lives. I’ve been listening to podcasts pretty much since “Doc” and “Dave” got the ball rolling but it’s rare that a new podcast unseats the 20 or so I subscribe to in iTunes and already have trouble keeping up with. Does this give an advantage to early adopters that “late comers” (in a two year old industry?!) will have a hard time overcoming or is there a way for future podcasters to unseat my current favourites?
Sebastien: I think there’s a bit of a perfect storm going on in the podcasting or “media on demand” world right now that strongly favours the so-called late comers. There are probably three main reasons: one having to do with content, one with distribution and the other with demand on the consumer side.
Comments closedOne Degree: “Jordan, can you tell us about your .sig file and what the pros and cons of your approach are?”
I use the animated headline feature from “Feedburner”:http://www.feedburner.com/ in my .sig file, to publicize my blog. It is a very cool feature that I think everyone should try (provided they have a Feedburner feed associated with their site). The response to it has been overwhelmingly positive, and I have to agree that it does give my messages an extra bit of credibility than a static text “siggy” or even a company logo would.
Here’s a peek at what we’re talking about here:
Jordan Behan
778.840.TELL (8355)
Jordan Behan: I opted to list just my url, and not a full company name and title, in exchange for less content to have to look at. I’m still pretty convinced this was a good decision, as it shouldn’t be too busy, in my opinion.
When people first see it, it’s not out of the ordinary for them to say “Wow, I want one of those!” But here is where I start to list the cons of this method. I do web marketing and PR consulting, specializing in small business. Many of my clients and prospects discover what an RSS feed is when I explain it to them, and not before. If you’re not already familiar with the use of feeds, then you might not understand the content that you see when you click the link in the animated .gif. I have yet to have anyone ask about the “site” they get linked through to when they click, but I have to guess that for some it is a bit confusing. They might have expected to be linked to my site, not the Feedburner feed.