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Category: 1.5 Questions

Why Radiant Core Is Involved With Firefox

_Given recent news from “Radiant Core”: I decided to ask Jay Goldman, the agency’s President, “1.5 Questions”: about the Firefox win._
*One Degree:* Jay, what impact do you expect your involvement with Firefox 2.0 will have on Radiant Core and do you feel that other companies can use Open Source project involvement to their advantage while helping the community?”
*Jay Goldman:* It’s hard to imagine a better way to help the tech community than to contribute to an Open Source project, especially one that so strongly shares and embodies our beliefs. Working with “Mozilla”: has been an opportunity for us to collaborate with some of the people who are responsible for building the community that we get to enjoy and it continues to be an incredible privilege to be involved.
I hope that “our contributions to the Firefox 2 release”: will help to make the industry as a whole more aware of the value of good design and of continuous evolution and measured improvements rather than the need to make revolutionary changes with every release. There’s been a lot of talk lately about changing the way that software is built – from the old “release early/release often” saw to “37Signals’ Getting Real”: – and I think there’s a lot of value in those statements. We’ve try to follow a similar approach in all the work we do for our clients, including the Firefox 2 theme. A lot of our time on the Fx2 release has been spent on the small details of what makes a good browser experience and I think it will show when people have a chance to try Beta 2 in a few weeks.

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Using The Internet To Get McFly

Nike McFlys
“Internationally famous sneakerographer” “Al Cabino”: is fighting for your right to wear sneakers inspired by the film “Back to the Future Part II.”: Cabino launched a petition requesting that Nike release a shoe modelled after the grey moon-boots worn by Michael J. Fox in the 1989 movie. Nike originally created the sneakers for the film, but they were never made available to the public, something Cabino is hoping to change.
*One Degree:* “Al, why do you want to own Marty McFly’s sneakers from Back To The Future II and how is the Internet helping you achieve your dream?”
*Al Cabino:* That’s an excellent question.
Everyone dreams of walking in a movie star’s shoes. The McFlys are the Holy Grail of movie sneakers. The McFlys were created just for the film, never worn beyond the silver screen, and I’ve always been fascinated by them. There is a sneaker legend that says that in 2015, Nike will come out with them. But I’m not going to wait 9 years. There are a *lot* of people who don’t want to wait 9 years.

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