In one three hour period earlier today marketing site managed to show us both what not to do and what to do when it comes to email marketing. Here are some screen captures that lay out their inbox faux pas in glorious, gory detail…
5 CommentsCategory: E-mail Marketing
I get that you want to promote the fact you have a blog. And I see you have a lot of great stuff in there. But for the love of decent results why would you use your blog as a landing page?
Yet this seems to be a trend. I just received one of my regular emails on marketing topics, this one a newsletter on marketing to IT. Front and center they’re offering a new report on media consumption, sounds great!
Uh-oh, I see the dreaded words “download from our blog site” and I can sense what’s coming. Sure enough, I click to the site and there’s already a bunch of new posts on top of the report they told me about. At least I think it’s the one. There are a bunch of articles on different media topics, but only one has a chart. None of the entries are labelled, “IT media consumption study.”
Here’s our first Question of the Day:
“If you _had_ to choose between having an email newsletter or a blog, which would you pick and why?”
Add your answer and see those of your colleagues…