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Category: Ken Schafer

Second Toronto CaseCamp Announced

CaseCamp pulled over 70 Internet marketers for its first event only two weeks after it was formed. Now the third CaseCamp (second in Toronto) has been announced. Don’t you owe it to yourself to get involved? In a few years you’ll be able to start stories with “I remember when CaseCamp started. Back then…”

Update: The date has changed to accommodate two special Case Presenters and to take advantage of a great new venue. Click through to get the scoop from the organizer of this event, Eli Singer

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Ken And Mitch's Excellent Podcast Adventure

Last week “One Degree contributor”:, “blogger”: and “Twist Image President”: was nice enough to interview me for “Six Pixels of Separation”: – his latest incarnation as a podcaster.
The podcast covers a bunch of interesting topics including “CaseCamp”: and “Second Life”: My interview is about 15 minutes long and covers some of my thinking about One Degree and Internet marketing in general.

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High Road's Social Media Division Misfires At Launch

“Marketing Magazine”: reported today that “High Road Communications”: is “opening a digital communications division.”:
Here’s how High Road explained the new division in their press release:
bq.. High Road Communications has synthesized agency talent, experience and passion in VOX, a new social media and digital marketing division. The firm’s VOX team consists of seasoned communicators who specialize in the online and social media spaces. They provide a potent mix of traditional media relations skills and forward-looking technological knowledge to deliver effective, relevant and results-driven campaigns to the audiences that matter.
p. Kudos to High Road for doing this, it is indeed a much needed service and I’m sure they’ll do fine with it.
bq.. The High Road VOX team creates and delivers services including:
* Blog/ chat/ forum relations – targeting online journalists, enthusiast and special interest sites
* Online community relations – engaging online enthusiasts, brand Ambassadors, and promoting positive community partnerships
* Experiential marketing – creating innovative programs that deliver direct-to-consumer, grassroots and hands-on experiences
p. There’s *one big problem with this* that puts their “seasoned communicators who specialize in social media” in question.
The problem? “”: