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Category: Public Relations

Brendan Hodgson on Visuals in PR Communications

Today in Calgary, I attended an event entitled “Corporate Reputation Management in a Web 2.0 World”. One of the speakers was Brendan Hodgson, VP Digital from Hill & Knowlton. Brendan spoke with me after the event to elaborate on a point he made during his talk …
[If you’re reading this in the feed, you might have to click to see the video.]

Side note: check out this cool new video toy. It’s called Viddler. You can leave a comment or a tag DURING the playback of the video. Very cool.

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Five Questions for Mabel's Labels


Recently, I received a charming pitch to review a product. I wrote about that pitch on my blog, talking about why it appealed to me more than some others I have received. After posting the article, I was so taken with the pitch that I contacted the company, Mabel’s Labels, to discuss their blogger outreach program and overall social media strategy in general. That conversation turned into the following 5 Question interview with Julie Cole, co-founder and public relations guru over at Mabel’s Labels.

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Search Engine Strategies Toronto 2007 – Day 2 Highlights

The Search Engine Strategies Toronto conference was held in Toronto, Canada on June 12-13, 2007 at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre. As always, it was a tightly-run event that was jam-packed with valuable information.

Here are some of the highlights from sessions I attended on Day 2:

Session: Seth Godin Keynote Presentation

  • "Search didn’t become a business until the yellow pages." – Seth Godin
  • In the battle between SEO tricksters and search engines, "the search engines are really winning" because they are becoming much better at determining relevance.
  • "Search engine advertising is a classic example of permission marketing."
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