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Category: Search Marketing

Could a Monkey Sell Search Engine Advertising?

As a tactic, search engine advertising practically sells itself. Here’s just one example:

I was recently asked by a somewhat price-sensitive client which tactic I would recommend they should do first: perform search engine optimization (SEO) on their Website or run a search engine advertising campaign for a few months.

I said go with the search engine advertising campaign, and here’s why:


Yahoo Search Marketing Adds Geo-Targeting

Earlier today I received an email from Yahoo! detailing Yahoo Search Marketing‘s (YSM) features for the new version of their paid search program.
Chief among them, at least for Canadian advertisers, is the addition of geo-targeting. It seems as though we may soon be able to capture a somewhat broader audience from search. In case you missed it, Microsoft AdCenter also went live with geo-targeting last week, which means that we will soon have a new paid search landscape in Canada, with all three major players offering a method to reach out to Canadian searchers.

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