We've written a number of times about the importance of owning the right domain name. Particularly if you're launching a new product. Case in point – Dell's new luxury laptop, Adamo.
To tout this new machine, Dell launched the site AdamoByDell.com
However, they could have had adamo.com. Adamo.com is one of the surname domain names owned by Tucows, Inc. and managed by YummyNames, a domain name sales and consulting service run by Tucows. In addition to managing a massive portfolio of domains for sale, YummyNames also leases domains for short periods of time – perfect for a product launch.
Instead, of going this route, Dell chose to ignore the importance of a good domain.
We checked in with Bill Sweetman, general manager of YummyNames, about Dell's interest in owning the adamo.com domain.
"Dell never approached YummyNames although they claim a broker approached us anonymously and got the impression it would be too much money, but no one here has any knowledge of that exchange and, besides, we also offer domain name leases for as little as $750 a month. We subsequently reached out to Dell’s ad agency, Enfatico, when we noticed a traffic spike to the domain dating back to the CES announcement of the laptop in December. We are fans of Dell and want to help them out but they seem to think even $750 is too big an investment for a global product launch. We are all stunned that Dell, of all companies, doesn't get the value of a good domain name!"