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Category: Updates On Us

Kudos To Campaigner – Our October Sponsor

Special thanks to the wonderful folks at Got Corporation – makers of Campaigner – for their support of One Degree (in September – despite the title of this post) . For the last month you’ll surely have noticed their shiny, happy ads all over One Degree. If you haven’t already visited their site to find out what they’re up to and how they might help you, this would be a good time to check out Campaigner for yourself.

Our October sponsors are waiting in the wings. Who will it be, who will it be?

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QotD – How Much Visitor Information Can We Share?

Today’s QotD is directly related to you, our esteemed reader, and me, the publisher of One Degree:

Through the email addresses of our subscribers and the IP addresses of site visitors we can create a list that reads like the who’s who of Internet marketing agencies and clients in Canada. I’d love to publish these to show potential sponsors the quality of our readership. But I hesitate because the information, while general and aggregated, seems like something people might consider sensitive. For example, I could say “people from FedEx and BlastRadius visit our site weekly.” Is that an invasion of privacy and inappropriate disclosure?


BTW, the feedback here will largely make the decision for me on what I do in fact publish – so make your case if you feel strongly one way or the other!