This evening at DemoCamp 5 I will be announcing a new feature here at One Degree called “Interesting”.
For too long Canadian companies have had very low visibility in the market.
Could you name ten interesting Internet ideas coming out of Canada right now if someone asked you to? I’m not sure I could before DemoCamp. Now One Degree wants to take interesting ideas in Canada another step further into the spotlight…
Category: Updates On Us
You may have noticed a few changes on the site in the last few days. We’re in the midst of an upgrade that puts in place some subtle but important enhances to the way we do things around here.
More on the why and what of (ahem) One Degree 2.0 over the next few days and weeks.
You may also notice slightly lighter posting for a few days while we iron the wrinkles out of the upgrade.
As you surf the web – does anyone “surf the web” anymore? – do you ever stop and say to yourself, “hey, that’s smart – why didn’t I think of that?”.
If so, why not drop us a quick note to let us know and we’ll tell the world.
Watch for posts tagged “Bright Ideas” here at One Degree as we help generate lots of collective a-ha moments.