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Category: Web Sites

Five Questions For Howard Firestone, VP Marketing – iPerceptions

_Howard Firestone is Vice President of Marketing and Communications for “iPerceptions Inc.”: whose predictive intelligence technology, processes and methodology were developed by combining the expertise of behavioral psychologists, technologists and biostatisticians. He is responsible for all marketing and public relations initiatives for the company in North America and the UK. Prior to joining iPerceptions, Howard was Senior Director of Marketing Communications at “My Virtual Model Inc”:, an Internet start-up in the online retail apparel sector. Howard has over seven years of hands-on Internet marketing, advertising and publishing experience._
*One Degree: Can you explain what iPerceptions means by “attitudinal analytic solutions”?*
When we speak of an attitudinal analytics solution we are referring to a process and methodology that allows marketers to map their customer’s experience (online or offline) to a perceptual framework to get inside their hearts and minds in the context of their actual web site or store experience. This provides our clients with a clear and distinct picture of the issues that matter most to their customers. We then apply proprietary algorithms to the data to learn what key attributes marketers should be focusing on to increase their customer’s overall level of satisfaction.
*One Degree: How does this fit in with log or tag-based site analysis?*

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Don't Call It A Blog

Is this a blog? Do you know? Do you care?
From _my_ context this is a blog and I think most of our contributors consider themselves bloggers. But for you the reader these facts are largely immaterial. You’re here for the ideas -and the free chicken wings-. How those ideas are added to the site and how they are presented on the page are of little importance.
And the same probably holds of most of the readers of most of the blogs out there. Readers generally don’t know or care that your blog is a blog.
Jonathan Carson at BuzzMetrics crystallized my thinking on this in his post “Is blog going to be an industry term?”:
I think it already is. “David Galbraith”: came to the same conclusion saying:
bq.. With magazines and professional websites being blog driven, blog refers to the way something is published not what. There is no more need to know what a blog is than know what an internal combustion engine is if you drive a car.
This is a paradigm shift as important as the browser. Web 1.0 was about reading (browsing and searching), Web 2.0 is about publishing.
For the investors that are looking to invest in blogs or RSS – that’s like investing in HTML, the big story is publishing.
p. When designing One Degree we went out of our way *not* to call it a blog and to avoid blogging terms like “permalinks”. We failed in a few spots (“posts” and “entries” come to mind) and we’re working on cleaning that stuff up soon.

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What Can We Learn From Sears WebTV?

On Monday “Marketing Daily”: reported that Sears Canada had just launched a new “online shopping channel”:
bq.. Sears Canada is pioneering what could be the future of shopping: an e-commerce platform that combines TV-style shopping programs and online click and pay methods. The new website, “”:, features an on-demand webcast, which links highlighted products directly to online shopping on “”:
The program, still in its pilot stage, offers consumers online informercial-style videos in eight different categories, from women’s fashions to fitness equipment and electronics. The 30-minute videos are hosted by Sandra Gayle, of HGTV’s Design Challenge and include appearances by category personalities like aerobics champion Sharon Mann.
While Gayle talks about the benefits of shoes and laundry machines, the products appear on the right side of the computer screen (outside the video), along with prices and details. Each product name is a link to its featured page on
Frank Rocchetti, Sears’ senior vice-president of merchandising and marketing, calls the initiative “a key differentiator” for the mass retailer.
p. I asked a few of the One Degree team a simple question: “What can we learn from Sears Web TV?”

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