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1.5 Questions For Mitch Joel

_Mitch Joel is a passionate entrepreneur and speaker who connects with people worldwide by sharing his communications insights, marketing strategies and commitment to building a better community. As well as being co-owner of “Twist Image – Multimarketing Studio”:, he is an interactive expert, educator, community leader, freelance journalist, blogger and believer in doing the impossible._
*One Degree:* “Mitch, If you could recommend one book to people interested in how marketing is changing, which one would it be and why?”
*Mitch Joel:* So essentially, you’re asking me to choose between my four children. Do I choose “Re-Imagine”: by “Tom Peters”:, “Purple Cow”: by “Seth Godin”:, “The Cluetrain Manifesto”: by Rick Levine, Christopher Locke, “Doc Searls”: and “David Weinberger”: or “Life After The 30-Second Spot”: by “Joseph Jaffe”: ?

OK… Gun to my head, I have to make a choice? _Life After The 30-Second Spot_ by Joseph Jaffe. This one really should be on every marketers’ desk. It’s also the stuff that will keep you up at night (why should I be the only one staring at the walls?).
Jaffe breaks down ten opportunities marketers need to be looking at as brand democratization and instant personal publishing or broadcasting takes hold. Jaffe explains and provides winning examples for everything from experiential marketing to consumer generated content to blogs and more. I also really enjoyed the writing style. Jaffe is direct, funny and insightful – the perfect trifecta for a good business book read. _Life After The 30-Second Spot_ moves quickly and, when all’s said and done, the concepts are doable. More than doable… it seems natural. A lot of times, I’ll read a marketing book and think, “first off, we’ll really have to ramp up to make a go of this,” or “my clients will never buy this.” When I finished reading _Life After The 30-Second Spot,_ I couldn’t help but think, “who wouldn’t do this?”
There are more than a few a-has and even more wows.
I hope you feel good One Degree for making me pull a King Solomon and split the proverbial baby in my business book world. 🙂

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