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Category: Offline To Online

The End of Lazy Days Of Summer?

Used to be you could count on some things, like a slow summer followed by a busy fall. But the last two years have been different. Business slows for summer later – and ramps up for fall a little sooner. If the trend continues, 2006 may not see a summer lull at all. The realization got me wondering. Are our clients unusual or is this a new way of being?

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Observed: URLs Gone Wild

I still kick myself for not following through on an idea for a book I had during the early days of the Dotcom boom. I had been on a business trip to San Francisco – arguably the epicentre of the Internet ‘gold rush’ – and while I was there I started to notice all the unusual places that URLs were plastered.
Sure, people were promoting ‘’ on billboards and posters, but creative (or maybe desperate) marketers were also putting their URLs on other, uh, interesting things. Had I been more on the ball at the time, I would have started documenting this phenomenon with my camera.
Even without photographic evidence, I still thought it would be beneficial, even inspirational, to share with One Degree readers some of the more memorable places I’ve seen URLs advertised over the years.

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