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Category: Paid Event Listings

Canada's First Comprehensive Podcast Survey

Calling all OneDegree devotees!

Does your iPod have more podcasts than songs? Do you listen religiously to TWIT? Live and die by Mommycast? Even if you don’t, we want to hear from you!

Sequentia and Caprica are pleased to announce the first comprehensive Canadian podcast survey. Participate and get a summary of the results in your inbox! This survey will uncover:

  • the audience for podcasting in Canada
  • podcast producers and their content
  • favourite podcasts, types of podcasts
  • how far along is videopodcasting, and more!

Click here to complete the survey and receive the results!

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'Meet' the E-zine Queen April 20!

One of the easiest, most proven ways to attract new business is to gain status as a recognized authority and/or sought-after resource in your field. And nobody knows how to do it better and faster than Alexandria Brown, the E-zine Queen. Alexandria has been named one of the “Top 10 Direct Marketers in the World” by Mark Victor Hansen & Associates.
In this free teleclass, Alexandria is going to share some of her best secrets to publishing an ezine that makes you money — the right format, the right content ideas and how to build your list of ezine subscribers.
Sign up for this free teleclass now.

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