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Category: Public Relations

QotD – How Much Visitor Information Can We Share?

Today’s QotD is directly related to you, our esteemed reader, and me, the publisher of One Degree:

Through the email addresses of our subscribers and the IP addresses of site visitors we can create a list that reads like the who’s who of Internet marketing agencies and clients in Canada. I’d love to publish these to show potential sponsors the quality of our readership. But I hesitate because the information, while general and aggregated, seems like something people might consider sensitive. For example, I could say “people from FedEx and BlastRadius visit our site weekly.” Is that an invasion of privacy and inappropriate disclosure?


BTW, the feedback here will largely make the decision for me on what I do in fact publish – so make your case if you feel strongly one way or the other!


What Is Astroturfing?

James, what’s astroturfing and why is it so bad?

Astroturfing gets a “wikipedia entry of its own”: that does a pretty good job of summarizing the metaphor.
My $0.02: astroturfing is when someone who is interested, such as someone working in a professional capacity representing a company / brand / service, portrays themselves as disinterested or neutral – as just another member of a community.
This lack of transparency is almost always fairly evident to community members, who tend to have very good bullshit detectors. It almost always backfires too because online environments can work as time machines or outboard memories, searchable in the past with new information that comes to light in the future.

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