_This article is by Guest Contributor Kate Trgovac, reports on the recent “BlogOn”:http://www.blogonevent.com/blogon2005 conference in New York City._
The “Pitching To Social Media” panel was one of the more hotly contended at BlogOn2005 and really polarized “old-school” bloggers who see this as another attempt at exploitation by Big Business and “new-school” marketers who are trying to find their way (still) around a new media and are making mistakes. It was moderated by Cathy Brooks, VP at Porter Novelli and included “Jeremy Pepper”:http://pop-pr.blogspot.com/, Founder & President, POP! Public Relations and Andrew Carton, Editor, “Treonauts”:http://blog.treonauts.com/.
Brooks opened the conversation with the question “Should PR firms pitch bloggers? Yes or No?” The answer: “It depends.”
Then all hell broke loose.
Category: Public Relations
ThinData has been treating their employees like humans and encouraging them to reach there potential. Sadly this warrants coverage in the Globe & Mail and shows more Canadian companies need to hitch a ride on the cluetrain.
Comments closedThis article is by Guest Contributor Rick Spence.
In a recent “AIMS”:http://www.aimscanada.com/ Discussion List post (not yet online), “Tema Frank”:http://www.webmysteryshoppers.com/pages/070abou.html said (in part):
bq. Many commentators argue that companies should jump on the blogging bandwagon, but for most companies I think that is bad advice. Let’s face it, how many of us really have something interesting to say (and the skill to write it well) every couple of days? If you delegate the writing to a staff member, how can you be sure that they’ll only write about topics you want aired publicly? But if you restrict them, your blog quickly becomes a boring advertorial, which will either be ignored (best case scenario) or derided publicly.
I agree with most of Tema Frank’s comments about corporate blogging, but not with her conclusion.